Saturday, December 19, 2015

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Denny's Last Great Party

December 5th, 2015 - Bremerton, WA


With Denny's wife, Jane

With Denny's daughter, Sarah

With R.L. Crabb

With Jim Blanchard

With Pat Moriarity


With Jim Woodring

With Colin Upton & Mary Woodring


With Roberta Gregory

With Max Clotfelter

With Tom Van Deusen


Saturday, October 10, 2015

More Halloween Instros

Around this time last year, Mr. Fab (over at the MUSIC FOR MANIACS blog) re-upped my “double-disc” collection of classic Halloween-themed instrumentals (with my blasphemous blessing!)   My trick-or-treat offering for you this year is the followup compilation…more spooky instros, annoying novelties, and radio spot ads for vintage fright flicks, all entombed together in a convenient zip file.  Put THAT in your goodie-bag, kid!

Friday, October 9, 2015

So Long, Denny

I'm sad to report that my longtime friend and collaborator Dennis Eichhorn has passed on at age 70. His most recent collection of collaborative, autobiographical comic stories, EXTRA GOOD STUFF, was published earlier this year by Last Gasp.

Saturday, October 3, 2015

Nowhere Town

I've endorsed the outstanding OFFICE NAPS blog numerous times in the past.  I've also plugged the blog's related web pages THE LONELY BEAT and EXOTICA PROJECT.  Now there's a new page in the series, NOWHERE TOWN: 100 vintage 45s - "comprised of lonesome and atmospheric country, rockabilly and teen pop 45s from the '50s and '60s, along with a set of period guitar instrumentals with Western-ish motifs."  Click the highlighted links above to visit and listen.

Friday, September 18, 2015

JRW Interview

Dang!  Another thing I keep forgetting to mention...R.W. Watkins interviewed me for his COMICS DECODER blog/site, and the interview has been up for a while now.  Check it out:

JRW INTERVIEW (click here)