Saturday, March 7, 2015

Twistin' In the Jungle

Remember those insanely cool vinyl compilation LPs that started popping up in the '80s?  I'm talking about titles like WAVY GRAVY, SWING FOR A CRIME, LAS VEGAS GRIND, PSYCHO SERENADE, BENT, BATTY & 'BNOXIOUS, and etc.  In case you're not familiar, these records were typically collections of obscure or overlooked material from the 1950s through the 1970s...frantic, primitive rock & roll, scorching instrumentals, bizarre novelties, and radio spot ads for sleazy horror and exploitation movies.  For quite some time I've considered writing an article about these amazing records, although I knew that the definitive piece on the subject had already been penned.  My pal Richard (aka Count Reeshard), the author of the piece in question, has graciously granted permission to reproduce the entire article here.  Originally published in PSYCHOTRONIC VIDEO MAGAZINE # 13, Summer 1992.  Thanks also to Psychotronic publisher Michael J. Weldon for allowing me to share this piece.

FYI...Richard's current radio show/podcast, NO CONDITION IS PERMANENT,  can be experienced here:

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