Monday, March 4, 2013

Those Dirty Squares...

I'm always looking around for wacky sound clips to add to my amuses me when they turn up at random, between songs during shuffle play.  I found a digital rip of an old Hollywood Squares record album, but there was no track separation...each side of the LP was one long, continuous cut.  So...I picked out 16 of my favorite "zingers" from the album & chopped them into short, individual mp3s, which I'm delighted to share with you.  They're all in a convenient zip file (download link below).  Featured celebs include Paul Lynde, Don Rickles, Redd Foxx, Charley Weaver, Burt Reynolds, Marty Allen, & Rose Marie!



  1. Sounds like I'm not the only one who likes to mix and match music & zingers in my iPod.

    How is the rest of the Hollywood Squares LP, aside from your favorite cuts? Is it worth hearing?

    This is very nice and unexpected. Thanks very much.

  2. Sure, the Hollywood Squares album is worth listening to, for laughs! Unfortunately, I can't recall where I downloaded it...
