Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Technical Difficulties

My trusty old Mac G4 PowerBook seems to have bitten the dust.  Consequently, I probably won't be posting many blog updates in the immediate future.  Also, many of the prints offered here will not be readily available.  Purchases of original art from my Comic Art Collective page (link in my right-hand sidebar) could certainly help expediate my computer's repairs (or the purchase of a new machine!)  Commissions are always welcome.  In any case, I hope to be back up & running again soon...

UPDATE 11/29 - My computer has risen from the dead!  Had to re-install Mac OS X to do it, so a lot of stuff got erased.  Everything vital was backed up, but it's going to take some time to update my software & applications.  More blog posts when I am back up to speed...

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